Tuesday 24 September 2013

The immortals of melhua or Confusions of amish

The author has leisurely taken the fact that everyone at least in India has seen or possessed the picture or idol of lord Shiva and there fore there is no need of giving  detailed description of him physically or characterwise as a human being. He is simply portrayed as a robust marijuana smoking chief of some primitive tribe in a faraway land. There is not even any attempt of creating any  trace of emotional bonding (forget about any spiritualbonding ) between the characters and the reader. The book from the start just gives u a feeling of comic amusing only to children who have never been exposed to any mythology or history.
The word Shiva in itself is so profound and big not only in Hindu mythology but in the whole mystic world that its context in itself mesmerizes the person without any effort. The author has just exploited this fact for his own good. He has actually slaughtered the history as well as mythology into pieces and then sew them back in his own way in the same way as some naturalists used to do to animals in post Darwin era for alms  from kings portraying them as new species. This is really like making a freak and then marketing and showcasing  it.


  1. Whenever you portray mythological character you have to be sure that it's acceptable and accurate for the present generation .... You write really well and with the amount of efforts that you put in it certainly is informative Congrats u have started writing.. Hoping to get a lot of such things from you in the near future

  2. first of all congratulation and welcome to blog community dr. priyanka ,,,, i didn't read the book so can't understand what to say or not, and best wishes for ur blog,,,,,,,,,

  3. Thanks Dr shourya . I have read you haiku . They are are very subtle. You have read the same spirit as or sister I.e. romantic
