Tuesday 21 January 2014

Arvind kejriwal - Malcolm x in making

14 months back media posed Arvind was a new ray of hope for India. Now the same media is posing him as a cuckoo singing nonsense songs in nowhere direction. Which picture is right? Do we common men of India have our own sense and sensibility. Or we are the most selfish and moronic mob ever. This we have to decide. Why our vision just rest on small desires and peace? Why don't we get ready for some new revolution we need, for which everyone has to sacrifice. We all, who can read this, are well to do. Do we really need 1/2 rate bijli-pani or a atmosphere to reach the skies. Do we all just want to have good dollars and perks for our hard work, we put during our golden years. Is there not something else in us which we aspired for when we dreamed in our hearty days. Will we just concentrate on our looks, fashion statement and our degrees only. What say you? Was Arvind Kejriwal right or absolutely wrong? Think hard . Do we need media and MBA for our thoughts or just a heart and eyes to look into the real needs.


  1. He was right earlier but now wht he is doing is all his political interests and ambitions...quite normal although..its obvious but he should do it in some more sensible and mature manner.

  2. what he did earlier was surely a revolution in Delhi but what he has been upto till now, surely we don't need half rate bijli paani but think about the people who are not here to read and are just living on the edge. He has been fighting for a common man but to leave his office and do the dharna thing does not make sense. He do not demand security and perks of a minister but with him doing dharna and the force involved in his security, is Delhi really safe (wasn't safe before also :p). Arvind Kejriwal is CM of Delhi and i think he should follow a procedure to make his words spread in the Central Government.

    'With great powers comes greater responsibilities'
    Everyone should really understand the meaning of these words in Delhi government.

    1. May be this a catch of the central party . It had already made the system crippled enough that a honest man without any real political and heirichal backing is unable to proceed with any correct measures even if he has become a chief minister. may be his reaction is too early anda bit iimmature. But does he really need such a harsh backlash.

  3. There are too many questions in this post. One of the issues that you highlight is role of Media in our decision making.

    From common man perspective, we all have some sense and sensibilities. We judge anything (including political parties, leaders, and their action) based on our values, our expectations and their actions. Following our heart is probably a good idea, but you still need to gather information, look at the facts, and cross check them before you make a decision.

    Media plays this role. However, they have business objective (affiliation to political parties etc.) and hence show everything from a certain lens (which certainly is not a neutral lens). Our approach should be to listen to them with a pinch of salt, correct it by listening to others' view and information and then use it as a basis for our decision. I actually like that these days we have twitter, facebook, emails through which we can get direct opinion of leaders without any editing or twisting by media.

    I do agree with Vishesh that there are lot of people who do not have access to media, social media and they probably make their decision based on their heart and whatever little they hear from others. I do not think they are probably right in doing that. But what choice to they have.

    Iti Jain

  4. Kejriwal may be having his own agenda with this whole drama, but then who didn’t in the past??? May be we acted too quick to put our trust in him with promises he made, then who didn’t made false promises earlier. I think we need to put in more thought to who we select, but then again supposedly we did that earlier too. Let’s give him a chance to come clean and may be do some good, which others didn’t. Yes! Agreed some of the claims for half rate bijli pani may not affect us, but the people living with many difficult circumstances may be benefited. Let’s hope and give him a chance, trust me if he did go wrong we would not give him another chance, India is awakening but we are not in a hurry…then let’s stay optimistic!!

    1. Hello Preeti
      Great to hear from u after a long time. What u said is my wish . Let's cross our fingers and pray for good.

  5. What a common man can see and appreciate is the fact that his intentions are honest and they relate themselves to the same. Though one can not deny the fact that he is very new in the business and time will add to the experiences & maturity of the party. His staging a dharna this time can not be fully supported ......but as Preeti said, we are still optimistic. Regarding rate cut of essential amenities, can't call it a false promise as things cannot be changed overnight, but what matters most are the steps taken in the right direction. Though the rate cut may not affect us directly, but doesn't that gives a ray of hope that other vital issues can be put on track too!!!!!!!!!!! How things fall in place with time will only clarify if trusting Kejriwal was a right decision or not......

    1. Hi vineeta.
      Patience is what we need .
      Cause if this experiment fails then it will be the unfortunate setback for honest India and a clear win for corruption.

  6. Guys, I may sound a bit patronizing so my apologies in advance.

    I see that lot of us are critical about the Dharna done by AK but then can anyone please tell me what recourse did he have? People talk about "due process", but everyone knows what that due process means. It means sending letters which will go straight in trash cans and nothing will change.

    Tarun knows first hand the high-handedness of the delhi police.They are arrogant, corrupt and their actions are often insensitive and inhumane. What AK was asking for was accountability from DP. All the while, media kept on focusing on who said what and that this is anarchy. I have three main problems with this.

    1) Media is hiding the big picture. The big picture is that Delhi is unsafe and hence DP needs to be made accountable.
    2) Asking for ones rights in a peaceful protest is not anarchy. Vandalizing property, doing "Chakka Jams", etc. is anarchy.
    3) Lot of people said that they were inconvenienced by the Dharna. Do you think that this combined pain of inconvenience was greater than the pain of the lady who was burned and the lady who was raped.

    Also, I fail to realize as to what shrewd exterior motives can AK have to put his life at risk? Some would say publicity but then this also means a lot of criticism. This fight to make DP accountable was explicitly written in AAPs manifesto and he is simply following that manifesto.

    I will never believe that BJP or Congress can ever make India at par with world. They are too corrupt and they have their support to people who give them "NOTE" instead of people who give them "VOTE".

    1. I m all for ur comment.
      Media is in its own jealousy and not giving him the right picture. Arvind dies not wants to be limited and suppressed by any factor supporting or not supporting that's why he is a clear victim of nepotism so much grilled inside every Indians flesh

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am not sure who Malcolm X is But with rest of the post I have to disagree..

    Lets start with what the whole hoopla was about. Mr. Kejriwal came out and declared that this Dharna is for the safety of women. He said his government would step up its efforts to take control of the 85,000-strong Delhi Police. .

    But let’s now consider what actually happened. When the police opposed Mr. Somnath Bharti's orders to search and arrest foreign nationals last week because of lack of warrant , Mr. Kejriwal started opposition of MHA asking for suspension of these policemen.
    If the dharna were actually about control of police under state government why did Mr. Kejriwal give up after 2 policemen were sent on leave? How does that make any sense? I would also like to bring it your notice that one of the policeman was the SHO of Malviya Nagar, who refused to raid “drug and prostitution ring” on the orders of Law Minister Somnath Bharti without warrant. Apparently Mr. Bharti has to be considered above law.

    Now , Let us focus on The statement of Ugandan woman who was harassed on the night of 15th January ""We were attacked on Wednesday night (January 15) by Indians who were led by Somnath Bharti. They are claiming we are blacks and we should leave their country. We were harassed, we were beaten, they had long sticks and they said we should leave their country or they'll kill us one by one. We don't know if being black is a crime,"
    Isn't this funny… Mr. Kejriwal is sitting on a dharna to protect women while His own Minister is going out torturing women at night full batman vigilante style. And of course who needs a warrant or law anymore when you can sit on Dharna.
    Has anyone noticed that Mr. Kejriwal hasn’t made a single statement against the man who tortured this Uganadan woman ILLEGALLY except for the fact that Mr. Somnath Bharti wasn’t racist and he wasn’t against women and also that he is not an embarrassment to the Party.
    Also I would like to highlight the impact of this midnight raid on the Africans living in the area :
    1) The Residents' Welfare Association of Arjun Nagar at Green Park in south Delhi is planning to pass a resolution, instructing local landlords and property dealers to stop renting apartments to the Africans.
    2) In Khirki Extension - the locality that Bharti had raided - Aas Mohammed, a landlord, said: "We are conservative people and these African women dress up badly. Our children are influenced.
    3) A Ugandan woman, put her fears bluntly: "Today if I voice my issues, then tomorrow your government's minister will come and arrest me."
    I am not even raising the issue of inconvenience to the people of Delhi or the injured in this dharna or the state of anarchy it has created. The diabolical actions are fairly shocking and extremely disappointing.

  9. I must admit your writing power is remarkable ... Keep it up.
